On the approvals page, you can see all the posts submitted by team members
The ability to approve or decline the submitted posts is present only for Business and Enterprise users.
- Navigate to campaigns
- Click on the approvals icon at the top right corner of the page.
- You can see all the posts submitted by team members.
- If you want to approve posts, click on the Approve button.
- If you want to decline posts for publishing, click on the decline button
- Click on the post to see the post preview.
- You can see multiple profile posts at once if you submit a single post to multiple profiles.
- Click on the three dots to see all the profile names.
- You can select a profile by clicking on the profile name.
- Click on the delete button to delete the profile from that post.
- After the profile has been deleted, you will see a success message.
- You can unselect the profiles by clicking on the cancel button.
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