This feature allows you to publish, upload, or replace the cover photo of Facebook pages.
This Feature is available for all users.
- Navigate to the Post Manager.
- Click on the Facebook Tab.
- Select/upload image from Digital library.
- Click on Advanced options.
- Here you can find publish an image as the cover photo toggle.
- Switch on the toggle, if you want to update this image as the cover photo for your selected page.
- Click on the update button after you have done the changes.
- Click on schedule/publish the post, and the selected image will be updated as the cover photo.
Note : -
- This feature is available in the Post Manager and MavSocial Chrome Extension.
- Image size should be 5MB
- Cover photo Maximum resolution is 820px width and 312px height
- Cover photo Minimum resolution is 400px width and 150px height
- Supported Image formats :- JPEG, JPG, PNG
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